Maine Law Review
Volume 65, No. 2 (2013)
→ Symposium: Law, Religion, and Lautsi v. Italy
→ Case Notes
Colloquium: Local Food || Global Food:
Do We Have What It Takes to Reinvent the U.S. Food System?
Legal Institutions of Farmland Succession: Implications for Sustainable Food Systems
Jamie Baxter
From “Food Miles” to “Moneyball”: How We Should Be Thinking About Food and Climate
Bret C. Birdsong
The Symbolic Garden: An Intersection of the Food Movement and the First Amendment
Jaime Bouvier
Obesity Prevention Policies at the Local Level: Tobacco’s Lessons
Paul A. Diller
Zoning and Land Use Controls: Beyond Agriculture
Lisa M. Feldstein
The Renewable Fuel Standard: Food Versus Fuel?
Brent J. Hartman
The New England Food System in 2060: Envisioning Tomorrow’s Policy Through Today’s Assessments
Margaret Sova McCabe and Joanne Burke
A National “Natural” Standard for Food Labeling
Nicole E. Negowetti
Whatever Happened to the “Frankenfish”?: The FDA’s Foot-Dragging on Transgenic Salmon
Lars Noah
Follow the Leader: Eliminating Perverse Global Fishing Subsidies Through Unilateral Domestic Trade Measures
Anastasia Telesetsky
When Fox and Hound Legislate the Hen House: A Nixon-in-China Moment for National Egg-Laying Standards?
Lucinda Valero and Will Rhee
Preempting Humanity: Why National Meat Ass’n v. Harris Answered the Wrong Question
Pamela Vesilind
A Hungry Industry on Rolling Regulations: A Look at Food Truck Regulations in Cities Across the United States
Crystal T. Williams
How Reliance on the Private Enforcement of Public Regulatory Programs Undermines Food Safety in the United States: The Case of Needled Meat
Diana R. H. Winters
Liberty of Palate
Samuel R. Wiseman
Symposium: Law, Religion, and Lautsi v. Italy
Malick W. Ghachem
Freedom of Religion and Freedom from Religion: The European Model
JHH Weiler
The Lautsi Decision and the American Establishment Clause Experience: A Response to Professor Weiler
William P. Marshall
The Lautsi Decision As Seen from (Christian) Europe
Pierre-Henri Prélot
Case Notes
State v. Brown: A Test for Local Food Ordinances
Ryan Almy
Recognizing Gestational Surrogacy Contracts: “Baby-Steps” Toward Modern Parentage Law in Maine After Nolan v. LaBree
Adam Quinlan